Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Rockpooling destination: Hemsby, changing strandlines over winter months

The strandline at Hemsby has changed in composition over the last few months.
In November it was dominated by red seaweeds, by December the proportion of red seaweeds being washed up had decreased and by January 2015, the strandline was dominated by hornwrack with ever increasing numbers of  washed up ray and catshark eggcases.

The sandy shore with a strand line dominated by red seaweeds. Habitat classification: LS.LSa.St (Strandline) and LS.LSa (Littoral sand).

The strandline is comprised of a variety of red seaweeds, the bryozoan, hornwrack (Flustra foliacea) and empty razor shells.

The shore at Hemsby in Januray 2015 has changed to become  dominated by the remains of the bryozoan, hornwrack (Flustra foliacea).

A small spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) egg case.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Rockpooling Destination: Hemsby, December 2014

Erosion during a winter storm has caused a 'step' in the beach profile and removed the finer sediments whilst leaving the coarser sediments (pebbles and cobbles).

A 'stepped' profile caused by wave erosion. Habitat classification: LS.Sa (Littoral sand) and LS.LCS (Littoral coarse sediments)

The shore has a relatively shallow profile which is dissected by a step caused by wave erosion.

The sandy shore a month before with a relatively shallow profile compared to that of the 'stepped' profile caused by the erosional processes of the storm. Habitat classification: LS.LSa.St (Strandline) and LS.LSa (Littoral sand).

Friday, 6 February 2015

Rockpooling destination: Hemsby, November 2014

During the month of November, washed up red seaweeds dominate the strandline at Hemsby, Norolk.

The sandy shore with a strand line dominated by red seaweeds. Habitat classification: LS.LSa.St (Strandline), LS.LSa (Littoral sand) to LS.LCS (Littoral coarse sediments).

The strandline is comprised of a variety of red seaweeds, the bryozoan, hornwrack (Flustra foliacea) and empty razor shells.

A sponge (Porifera) washed up in the strandline.

Clawed Fork Weed (Furcellaria lumbricalis) washed up in the strandline.

Clawed Fork Weed (Furcellaria lumbricalis).

Epiphytic red seaweed on Clawed Fork Weed (Furcellaria lumbricalis).

A red tree weed.

A red tree weed.